
Our Child Care Centre’s Payment Schedule

Please Note:
Fees are payable for ALL Statutory Holidays.

We are closed for 2 weeks for the Christmas Holidays - it is the same two weeks St. Clare School is closed. Fees are payable for the first week only.  We are also closed for cleaning the week after school ends - fees are not charged this week.

ANY other time taken off (i.e. sick days, vacation, appointments), full fees are due and payable according to the Fee Payment Schedule posted on this page.



  • JK/SK Summer and PA Days - CWELCC RATE of $18.00 per day
  • School-Age (SA) Summer and PA Days - $40.00 per day

A $10.00/week late payment fee will be charged when fees are not submitted according to the schedule - the 1st of the month for full payments and the 15th of the month if paying in two installments.

For any questions regarding your fee payments,
please email [email protected].
